Planetary Health Research Seed Grants

About the Planetary Health Research Seed Grants

The Leonardo-ASU Initiative is pleased to offer funding to develop early-stage interdisciplinary research and creative projects. Proposed projects will center on hybrid creative collaboration across arts, sciences, and digital technologies, aiming to address global challenges in planetary health. These initiatives should align with the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), emphasizing regenerative systems, global access, justice, and equity.

To be eligible for funding, projects must incorporate hybrid creative innovation (e.g., art and science, art and technology, digital culture, creative enterprise) and leverage Leonardo's assets, including publications, programs, platform, network, and archives. Additionally, the proposed projects are expected to advance leadership for art-science and art-tech across the ASU campus, community, and network, while generating outputs with potential for demonstrable positive impact. Eligible initiatives must engage a collaborative and interdisciplinary team, comprising at least two ASU faculty or staff members from a minimum of two academic units or disciplines, and demonstrate a commitment to advancing justice, access, and equity. Moreover, the projects should be led or co-led by at least one faculty member from the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts and/or the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory. One proposal per PI.

This funding is made possible through generous commitments of the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory and the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts. Leonardo will award two to three grants each cycle, depending on the scope of proposed projects and available funds. In addition to the grant award, selected initiatives will receive opportunities to participate or be featured in Leonardo’s publications, LASER talk series, global programs and network.

Deadline to Apply: Sunday, October 27 at 11:59 pm

Apply Today


Fine Print

  • Applications must be submitted online via InfoReady
  • Standard University financial restrictions apply (no alcohol, etc.)
  • Awardees may request up to 1 no-cost extension (NCE) to extend the project for up to 6 months.
  • Allowable Expenses:
    • Hourly or Graduate Services Assistant (GSA) Student Workers
    • Services (non-ASU affiliates)
    • Research Participant Incentives
    • Materials, Supplies & Equipment
    • Software/Hardware
  • Unallowable Expenses:
    • Expenditures prior to the start date
    • Tuition, tuition remission, scholarships, and/or student fees
    • ASU faculty salary or supplemental pay; ASU staff salary or supplemental pay
    • Conference travel unless it is to disseminate the work of the project
    • Awards to honor or recognize achievement
    • Renovations; 
    • SWAG (Stuff We All Get, e.g.: hats, pens/pencils, shirts, backpacks, etc.); 
    • All prohibited expenditures as defined in FIN 401-03

Application Materials

  1. Cover Page: 
    1. Name of PI
      1. Projects should be led or co-led by at least one faculty member from the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts and/or the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory.
      2. Name(s) of Co-PIs
        1. Projects should be led or co-led by at least one faculty member from the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts and/or the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory. 
        2. Teams must be composed of at least two ASU faculty or staff members from a minimum of two academic units or disciplines.
  1. Project Narrative
    1. Abstract (200-500 words) that describes research area and theme in a manner that will be informative to Arts, Sciences, and Technology professionals and understandable to a scientifically/artistically literate lay reader
    2. Technical Description (5,500 character limit)
      1. Background on global problem and how art/science/technology can engage to make a difference (and vice versa)
        1. Project Aims
        2. Methods
        3. Benefits
        4. Innovation
        5. Partnerships
        6. Milestones/Timeline
      2. Summary detailing how seed funding will advance and prepare project for external funding
  2. Works Cited or References 
  3. Budget
    1. Itemize project expenditures by dollar amount
    2. Direct costs carry an 8.5%Administrative Service Fee
      1. Shauna Allison is available to assist with budget preparation or submission. To request assistance, email Shauna at with two possible dates and times to discuss.
  4. Demonstrated commitment to sourcing additional funding
    1. Detail how this seed grant will advance and prepare the project for external funding, including identification of one or more potential external funding sources.

Contact and for questions.

Scoring Rubric

The review committee members, composed of colleagues from GFL, HIDA, and ASU-Leonardo-ASU Initiative. Reviewers score each proposal based on the following rubric:

  • Intellectual & Creative Merit 
    • Potential to advance knowledge and practice in arts, sciences, and technology. 
  • Global Impact
    • Demonstrated alignment with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the potential benefit to society/community
  • Innovation
    • The originality and practical implementation of the project
  • Partnerships
    • The existing relationship between investigators, and their existing partnerships with organizations and/or community
  • Fundability 
    • Identification of future funding sponsors 

Post-Award Logistics

Determination of financial responsibility

The college of the lead PI will be responsible for managing post-award activity. This includes fiscal oversight and submission of the final financial report. Lead PI is expected to document process, outputs and outcomes as well as prepare metrics for a final report as well as progress updates.

2024 Planetary Health Research Seed Grant Recipients (link to their ASU profiles, similar to Imagination Fellowship fellows)

Dr. Christy Spackman

Principal Investigator, Atmospheres of Belonging


Dr. Byron Lahey

Co-Principal Investigator, Atmospheres of Belonging


Lauryn Mannigel

Co-Principal Investigator, Doctoral Student, Atmospheres of Belonging


Dr. Ana Herruzo

Principal Investigator, MEDIAted Membranes


Dr. Biayna Bogosian

Co-Principal Investigator, MEDIAted Membranes