Blue splash of abstract paint


XR Art

ring of images surrounding a globe in the grass

Left to right: painted study, ink drawing study, early prototype for Resilience Rising by William T. Ayton, 2020

google play logo Apple App Store logo

About the project #ASUResilienceRising

The first of its kind on a university campus, the ASU Resilience Rising is an original,  large-scale (approx 30' - 50' tall) Augmented Reality (AR) public art installation to be developed on the Tempe campus as a digital tribute to the resilience of the ASU community. Student input and digital content, personal resilience stories, will be incorporated into an AR COVID Quilt surrounding viewers and integrated into the immersive experience of Resilience Rising

Impact and background

The AR art installation will offer a lasting, living, digital document for future and ongoing research; a commemorative and cathartic tribute for healing; and a pioneering experiment of collective engagement in digital public art. Initiated bySFISASU Resilience Rising is a collaboration between faculty and students from the Meteor Studio (AME), ASU-Leonardo, and Herberger’s School of Art Visiting Artist William T. Ayton


Share your resilience stories! 

Contribute your own digital stories of resilience to be woven into an AR COVID Quilt encircling viewers of ASU Resilience Rising! ASU students and community members are invited to send feedback and input for the final design of Resilience Rising AR public art at ASU! Please indicate in the comments section of the form below if you have photos, videos, other media, or links to accompany or serve as your story.